This episode of Lost Again brought to you by the Halliburton aluminum briefcases...they don't just stand the test of time -- they transcend it. It's just the luggage to take to a time shifting island!

"Son of a bitch!" Thus opens the 12th episode of the season. Sawyer has gallantly decided to keep a watch over Kate as she goes fruit picking in the jungle alone. Only he did it by stalking her. He gets a rock thrown at his kneecap for his trouble when Kate is alarmed by the rustle of someone lurking nearby. Hence the use of his all time favorite phrase and curse. After some witty banter, they discover an oasis in the middle of the jungle, and then it's waterfall fun for Kate and Sawyer. (It's worth noting that this is the spot where Kate, Jack and Hurley are dumped after they come back to the Island on Ajira Flight 316. ) Their frolicking good time is spoiled by the discovery of corpses from the crash at the bottom of the lagoon. Kate spies a briefcase under one of the plane seats that she tells Sawyer belongs to her. They retrieve it, but it quickly becomes apparent that this case does not belong to Kate. It's locked up tight, and Kate doesn't have the key. Not wanting to appear to care too much, Kate agrees to let Sawyer take the case.

She's got her eye on it back at camp though. While he sleeps, Kate sneaks into his tent to steal the case. Of course this results in Kate on top of Sawyer in a wrestling match for the second time this season. When he refuses to let go of her, she goes for the headbutt to get away. She demands the case, but she's not gettin' it. Sawyer spends most of his time the next day trying to open the case by picking the lock. This gets a giggle from Hurley, and Michael assures Sawyer that a Halliburton lock is impossible to pick. It will take brute force to open. Sawyer tries all sorts of methods to no avail. During one such attempt the case is thrown down on some rocks where Kate is hiding to snatch it. Sawyer chases her down, and they end up wrestling once more with Sawyer on top this time. Kate uses the old headbutt move again to extricate herself. Sawyer makes a bargain that he'll give Kate the case if she will just tell him what's in it and what it means to her. He is dying of curiosity, and has given up hope of actually opening it. But Kate isn't talking.

The rest of the survivors are dealing with the rapidly rising tide that is eating away at their lovely beachfront property. Everyone is pitching in to help move stuff down the beach and away from the approaching flood. Everyone except Charlie who has been moping since he got back from his near death experience at the hands of Ethan. Rose isn't having it though. She gives him a little tough love and basically tells him to get over it and help already. She assures him that no one thinks he is responsible for what happened to Claire, and that he can rest assured that he did all he could to help her, including putting his own life in jeopardy. Clearly it has all had a profound effect on him, and he should ask for help if he needs it. She says a little prayer with him later when he admits his need of help.

Meanwhile Jack confers with Sayid on the maps he stole from Rousseau. They might contain some information that could lead them to Claire and her captor or captors if Ethan is not working alone. Hard to believe that there was once a whole wonderful season of Lost that did not include Michael Emerson, but the beginnings of his character's influence were in the works early in the series. The problem is that Rousseau's maps are difficult to decipher being both complicated mathematically and written in French. Sayid recruits Shannon to help with the translation, and in an attempt to prove she's not worthless, she agrees.

Since Kate is not having any luck with Sawyer on her own, she goes to Jack. But Jack is a little wary of getting involved. She tells him about the guns in the case and the key that is buried with the Marshal. Jack isn't buying that Kate is willing to exhume a decomposing body to get a key for a case that just has guns in it. Kate sticks to her story, and Jack consents on the condition that they open the case together. Jack's trust issues are showing again! They dig up the incredibly unsightly body of the Marshal, and Kate tries to pull a fast one on Jack by taking the key when he's not looking. He isn't buying her act though and calls her out. He is none too happy that Kate would try to dupe him like that. But a big question for me here is why haven't we seen Smokey as the Marshal. He's one of the few people buried on the Island that has not come back to mess with anyone's head. And he has the potential to really freak Kate out.

Jack tromps to Sawyer's to get the case from him. Sawyer seemed to be expecting him, knowing that Kate would enlist him as her lackey eventually. Sawyer isn't gonna give it up without a fight, and he seems to have wrestling on the brain since his encounters with Kate. Jack threatens to stop treatment of his arm, and Sawyer cries uncle. Still curious, he asks Jack if he knows what's inside. When he answers in the negative, Sawyer assures Jack that whatever Kate said to Jack to get this case was a lie. Preaching to the choir, Sawyer. True to his word, Jack fetches Kate so they can open the case together. He gives her a final chance to share, then opens the case finding among the guns and ammo an envelope with a toy airplane. After cornering Kate about it's meaning, she tearfully shouts that it belonged to the man she loved and killed.

Kate went through a lot off island to get this plane that means so much to her. It was being kept in a safety deposit box, and she used her charms to con her boyfriend into robbing the bank for her. Not being a great guy, he decided to off one of the bank employees causing Kate to take matters into her own hands. She was adamant no one get hurt, so she delivered non life-threatening gunshots to her accomplices to neutralize them as threats. Then she got what she came for and left. Sounds like a pattern for our girl Kate. How do I use thee? Let me count the ways...
In other island developments:
- Sayid and Shannon are bonding over the Rousseau translations, but Boone does not seem too thrilled with that. Gross.
- Subtle reference to Finding Nemo=sneaky parent company advertising. Gotta love the house of mouse!
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