Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This episode of Lost Again brought to you by Jolly Good's what distinguishes the genteel from the bloody Yanks. Biscuits sold separately.

The episode opens with Claire's intense nightmare. No longer pregnant, she is looking in the jungle for a crying baby. She finds Locke instead with one light eye and one dark eye. He tells her, "He was your responsibility, but you gave him away. Everyone pays the price now." She sees a crib with blood covered blankets and wakes up screaming. This dream has some added meaning now. For one thing, the Island used dreams as a means of communicating with Locke and Ben. Is this the case with Claire? And which entity is behind these Island visions? It would appear that Locke's warning has come to pass as Claire did leave Aaron out in the jungle while she went off with Daddy Shephard. We know how that decision affects Kate and Jack in the future, but how that serves to doom everyone, I cannot say.

But this was not the first time Claire had received warnings about giving Aaron away. In Australia, after a painful breakup with a boyfriend that gave her the shaft after deciding the responsibilities of fatherhood were too much for him, she gets some advice from her psychic. He has seen a "blurry thing" in her future which is not good news. He tells her that she has to raise the baby. No one else can because this child won't be happy without her good influence. There is danger surrounding the child and her protection is needed. Claire dismisses this and chooses to give her baby up to a local couple. She cannot go through with it in the end. She agrees to the psychic's alternative plan to give her baby to a couple in L.A., and he's insistent that she take Flight 815. Some points of interest. It's revealed early on that Claire's dad abandoned her, so she is following in her father's footsteps when she leaves Aaron in the jungle. But that is not all that got passed on. Apparently Christian used to sing "Catch a Falling Star" to Claire as a child, and she wants it sung to her child. Kate obliges in an episode in Season 5. This leads in to the very real question of what is so awful with Kate raising Aaron? She seemed like a good and nurturing mother. And he is now being looked after by Carole Littleton. What terrible thing is coming for Aaron since Claire was only with him the first couple months of his life?Claire has more than bad dreams to contend with on the Island. She awoke to someone injecting her stomach, but the culprit was not caught. Jack is not convinced that the attack was anything more than another vivid and terrifying nightmare. His main concern is that the stress from the situation will trigger a premature labor. Claire takes offense when he tries to sedate her. Feeling unsafe at the caves, she leaves in a huff for the beach.
A concerned Charlie follows after her and tries to convince her to go back. He has developed an affection for her in the time since she fainted back in White Rabbit. They have even bonded over peanut butter. He has made himself available to her as a confidant and friend while serving her tea, a luxury that he hopes will comfort her and remind her of home. He worries about her and wants to ease her burdens. After her attack, he promises to look after and protect her which makes us all say, "AWW". So, when Claire goes into a false labor on her trek back to the beach, Charlie is there to help her through it. Of course, that's only after he's had a moment of panic trying to encourage Claire to breathe and time the contractions. One sugar plumb fairy. Two sugar plumb fairy. I really wish Kate had counted like that in the Pilot episode!

Claire sends Charlie to the caves to fetch Jack. On his way, he runs into Ethan and passes the responsibility on to him. He wants to get back to Claire since she is alone. When Jack never shows up, Claire and Charlie decide to go back to the caves since Turnip Head will not be making his appearance at this time. They meet Ethan on the path, and he looks threatening! Thanks to Hurley's efforts at taking a census of all the survivors, he has determined that Ethan Rom was not on their plane. He goes to report his finding to Jack only to find him treating the newly returned Sayid's cuts and scrapes. Sayid informs Jack and Kate of his adventure with Rousseau in the jungle and his discovery that they are not alone on the Island. A lurking Locke seems to be very interested in this discussion, but he is being super sly in eavesdropping. Perhaps Jack & Co. don't notice him there because the realization that Claire was telling the truth is starting to dawn on them. Someone has infiltrated the camp, and has been messing with one of their own.

In other island developments:

  • Hurley reveals his real name, Hugo Reyes, but is strangely secretive about the origins of his nickname. My guess is that every time he watches Star Wars he gets so excited that he throws up a little.

  • Shannon has quite a knack for geographic indicators such as "crap hole island" and "the rape caves". She should be addressing my mail!

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