This Kate-centric episode chronicles the plight of the feisty fugitive and how she was arrested. Turns out Kate was discovered hiding out in farmer Ray Mullen's barn back in Australia. He offered her room and board in exchange for her help working the farm, which in my opinion is only a little better than working the corner. But I'm not really into manual labor! After a certain length of time, she attempts to sneak away in the middle of the night. Kate is not one to stay put for too long. Ray catches her and calls her out on the shady behavior. She tells him she has "trust issues". He convinces her to stay one more night so he can drive her to the station in the a.m. He turns her in to the Marshall instead. Poor Kate. The greater tragedy in my opinion is that the only music the girl ever gets to hear in her flashbacks seems to be Patsy Cline. Don't get me wrong. I love me some Patsy Cline, but, honestly, let's send Kate a link to Pandora or something!
On the Island, Jack discovers Kate's mugshot while tending to the Marshall's wounds. Hurley sees it as well, but the rest of the group goes unaware of Kate's past for the better part of the season. While Jack is becoming disillusioned with the woman he has known for all of two days, the group that has discovered the French distress call decides not tell the other survivors about it in order to keep hope alive. So naturally, Kate tells Jack as soon as she gets to camp. They don't keep secrets from each other. Oh, wait...that's not right.

She goes to check in on the Marshall, and gets a nice choking. (Cue Amy Pohler & Seth Myers) Really Marshall?!? This is how you want to spend the dwindling amounts of energy and time you have left? Really?! I think after a plane crash in which I have sustained massive internal injuries, I am gonna be less concerned with my day job and more concerned with the guts spilling out of my stomach. Really!! Jack intervenes, then he and Kate have a lively debate on the virtues of euthanasia for the dying man. As a doctor, it is understandable that he would have a problem shooting his patient, but the determination he displays in trying to fix him at all costs is a strong indicator of Jack's inability to let go. He is also showing some trust issues himself where Kate is concerned. He wants her to confide in him about being the prisoner in custody on the plane. When she doesn't, he gets frustrated with her and doubts her intentions. In a burst of anger, Jack acknowledges that he knows Kate's secret.

After the Marshall dies as a result of complications from Sawyer's botched mercy killing, Kate decides she wants to confess everything to Jack. But Jack tells her he doesn't want to know. The crash gives them all the chance to start from scratch. This is their opportunity to correct any flaws that caused hardship in their past. Unfortunately, none of them can escape the demons that haunted them back home. The Island has a way of bringing up all their old issues. Some have achieved redemption after failing time after time. (Charlie, Shannon) Others have yet to get there. (Sayid, Jack) What's interesting is that Jack started with a clean slate in Season 1, but by the end of Season 5, he is willing to take a chance on changing the past by blowing up an H-bomb to get another clean slate. He messed things up with Kate so badly, he wants to erase all that has happened since the crash in an attempt to get another shot. I don't think he's going to get it though. Life is not an Etch-A-Sketch. You have to work with what's there. No do-overs.
In other island developments...
- Michael walks in on Sun topless. Never gonna happen, man.
- Locke finds Vincent for Walt and earns the grudging gratitude of Michael who was never crazy about Walt spending time with the weird bald guy.
- Hurley says "dude" for the first time.
- Sawyer calls Kate "Freckles" for the first time, and somewhere on the other side of the Island, Juliet gets a stomachache.
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