This episode of Lost Again brought to you by The Big Book of Baby Names. You'll want a name for your kid ASAP, or people will start calling him any name they want. Like Turnip Head.
Sayid is in the awkward position of crushing on the girl who has just lost her brother (lover) in a tragic turn of events. He offers solace and comfort to an unresponsive Shannon. There isn't much he can do, but he does give a touching eulogy at Boone's graveside. Only to have the mood ruined by John Locke who finally decides to show his face. Seriously dude, you could have at least changed your bloody shirt. That is disturbing in the extreme. Jack, who has been running himself ragged first in his attempt to save Boone, then in his search for Locke, is not satisfied with Locke's explanation of what happened to Boone in the jungle. Locke is at least indirectly responsible for Boone's death because he lied to Jack about the cause of the injuries which affected the course of treatment. But, Jack suspects he might be more directly responsible because of Boone's last statements about John keeping secrets and a mysterious hatch. This is plenty of reason for Jack to wail on him at the graveside service.
After the melee breaks up, Locke apologizes to Shannon for any part he might have played in Boone's death. Shannon is all "Thanks, but I think I will have my boyfriend kill you anyway." Sayid does not trust Locke and asks to be taken to the beech craft under the pretext of gathering electronic equipment for the raft. Along the way he asks plenty of questions and is convinced that though John confessed to being the saboteur of the triangulation project and is being dodgy about the Hatch, that Boone's death was an indeed an accident. Shannon takes matters into her own hands by stealing the key to the gun case and cornering Locke in the jungle. Under a steady downpour of rain, she aims at him with every intention of killing him. All I could think of was how Shannon herself will be shot in a downpour. Jack, Kate and Sayid have no luck in talking her down. She pulls the trigger and would have met her mark if Sayid had not pushed her to the ground. Sayid is in the doghouse with Shannon, but he thinks that Locke might be their best hope of survival. He could not allow Shannon to kill him. What he did was in service of the Greater Good.
This was not his first time sacrificing a personal relationship to ensure the safety of the population at large. The CIA used their knowledge of the whereabouts of Nadia as motivation to recruit him to infiltrate a terrorist cell in Sydney that had enlisted his old college roommate. This friend had been tapped to perform a suicide bombing, and in order to get the required information, Sayid had to convince him to go through with it. In the end Sayid confessed to him in the minute before they were to go through with the plot, giving him an opportunity to escape. Instead, his friend killed himself. Taking care of funeral arrangements put Sayid on a later flight which turned out to be Flight 815.
In other Island developments:
- Jack is refusing all attempts to get him to eat and rest. So, Kate goes to her playbook and drugs him. She did it to her husband Kevin, and she suggested it to Sun as a way of keeping Jin from leaving on the raft. So, if you are on a date and someone offers you the Kate Special....just say no!
- Claire is as stubborn as her brother in her refusal to sleep when she is clearly in need of it. Good thing Kate was distracted with Jack. Drugging a new mother would be frowned upon.
- Walt is worried about sharks attacking the raft. Silly boy! That ridiculous! It's only abductions and explosives you need to worry about on open water. Oh yeah, and Dharma sharks, just kidding.
- Charlie begins his bonding with Turnip Head, but can't get him to stop fussing. Only Sawyer's sweet southern accent can lull the child into serenity. Can't believe Hurley's melodic screaming didn't work!
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