This episode of Lost Again brought to you by The Hangover on blu ray. Because your fiance's best man could do a lot worse than drinking at the rehearsal dinner!

Do no harm seems to refer to the Hippocratic Oath that is near and dear to the hearts of doctors. And especially one, Jack Shephard. He is fully committed to that oath, and if there is one thing Jack is good at, it's commitment. In the flashback to his wedding, he is struggling at the last minute to write vows and gets some advice from his dad. He fears that he might only be marrying Sarah because he was her surgeon that gave her a near miraculous recovery. Otherwise wouldn't the vows come naturally. And he worries about living up to expectations in the future. Christian eases his sons fears about being a good husband and father, and as a surgon he cannot be expected to write vows with ease. That's not his gift. He could use some work in the letting go department as far as his father can tell. That is his real weakness. For Lost, this is as good a moment with a parent that any character is gonna get! Jack's vows to Sarah are given off the cuff, but they are full of honest sentiment that moves everyone in attendance. I am sure this marriage is going to go the distance....of approximately 3 years.

On the island, Jack's commitment is being tested in his treatment of Boone. His injuries are not only extensive, they are severe. Treatment is given based on the information Locke gave before he disappeared. Believing Boone fell off a cliff, Jack sets his leg after taking care of his collapsed lung. The next challenge is a blood transfusion with someone whose blood type is a match to Boone's. Since no match is found, Jack, as a universal donor type, steps up and gives his own blood. Jack is determined to succeed in fixing Boone because he has made a promise to do so.

Sun fills in as scrub nurse while Kate goes to get the rest of Sawyer's alcohol stash. No, she is not looking to play another round of "I never". Jack needs it for sterilization purposes. On her way back to the OR, aka the caves, she runs across Claire who is very much in labor. Unable to leave her alone she enlists Jin to go fetch Jack. Since Jack is currently occupied, he sends Jin and Charlie back to Kate with Birthing 101 cliff notes. Claire is obviously very distraught at the prospect of giving birth in a jungle, but she is also scared about how to bond with a child she didn't want in the first place. Kate gives a nice pep talk reassuring her that she isn't alone in this. "This baby belongs to all of us. Maybe a little more to you, but mostly to me. Have my baby already, and then stay away from my son!!!!" It is ironic to hear Kate take a little ownership of Aaron at his birth when she takes full custody of him off island. And somewhere in those overgrown bushes Sawyer is looking on from the future...or past...or something.

As Claire gives birth to a healthy son, Sun does her best to convince Jack that amputation of Boone's leg would not save his life. It would only increase his suffering. He is too far gone, and Jack cannot save him. To which Jack utters Locke's famous line, "Don't tell me what I can't do!" Boone stops him from this unnecessary, drastic measure at the last minute. He knows he is dying. He also knows that Jack tried his best. He lets Jack off the hook. Before he dies, Boone tells Jack that he fell from a plane in the jungle. Locke wanted everything kept secret because of the Hatch.

So, life and death collide as the camp is introduced to baby Aaron while Jack tells Shannon that her brother lover is dead. Angry at the senseless death that might have been avoided if his treatment of Boone had been based on actual facts instead of Locke's lies, Jack is going to go find John Locke.
In other Island developments:
- Sayid takes Shannon on a romantical picnic where Shannon confesses that Boone isn't her blood relation, but he is in love with her. While you're making confessions Shann, maybe you should mention how you seduced him a month ago!!! Gees.
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