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Locke and Boone have found Claire wandering in the jungle and bring her back to the caves for Jack to examine her. It becomes obvious that she is suffering from amnesia when she has a panicked reaction to all the people around her that had once been her friends. Jack explains the situation and reassures her that she and her baby are going to be fine. Naturally Charlie is relieved to see her alive and well, and he rarely leaves her side. When she asks for some insight into what had happened to them, who Ethan is and so forth, Charlie over-simplifies the situation by merely telling her that Ethan is the bad guy. He doesn't want to upset her with all the details of the harrowing ordeal. But in a way, for Charlie, it is that simple. Ethan is the bad guy. The man abducted Claire. He doesn't need any more information than that.

This belief receives some major reinforcement when Ethan attacks Charlie and Jin as they made their way through the jungle. He takes Jin out with a slingshot then lifts Charlie off the ground by the neck. With a menacing snarl he tells Charlie that if Claire is not brought to him then he will kill one person for every day that she is kept from him. There is not an inkling of doubt that he means what he says. Ethan really sucks! Thanks a lot for helping to birth him Juliet. It is puzzling to me why Ethan has scratch marks on his face. Claire did not scratch him; she scratched Rousseau. If I remember correctly, Alex told Claire to escape, so she never had to have a confrontation with Ethan. She just snuck away. Maybe Ben was so mad that Claire got away that he scratched Ethan's face in a fit of anger!

Charlie reports the altercation with Ethan, leading Jack and Locke to disagree on the proper course of action. Jack wants to go on the offensive, but Locke prefers a more thoughtful approach. It's best to avoid panic, so Locke wants to keep the information to a select few and set up a defensive perimeter around the camp as a measure of protection. They have no way of knowing if Ethan acted alone, so going after him puts them at a disadvantage. Jack sees the logic in this, but is uneasy with the thought that they have to sit around and wait for something to happen. (Which is exactly what he does when he returns to the Island in Season 5.) Kate suggests that it might be time to use the Marshal's guns, but Jack is even more resistant to the thought of putting guns in the hands of novices. So a sleepy Boone keeps watch overnight in addition to all the traps surrounding the camp. Too bad he can't keep his eyes open. Not that it matters since Ethan came into camp from the water and killed Scott in a gruesome and cruel manner.

Time to break out the big guns now! Jack hands out the Marshal's 9s to the men who are experienced shooters. Using Claire as bait, they plan to capture Ethan and get some answers out of him. Kate manages to weasel her way into the club when Sawyer gives her the gun he took off the Marshal in the pilot episode. Jack isn't thrilled with Sawyer intervening on Kate's behalf. He probably would have preferred to have her safely removed from the situation, but Sawyer seems to have enough confidence in Kate's ability to be able to handle it. Too bad no one shared that confidence in Charlie. He was denied a spot on the Ethan Hunt (pardon the cousin Tom Cruise pun).

This is especially offensive to Charlie because the whole episode highlights his struggle to embrace responsibility. He needs to prove that he can take care of someone. His flashback shows his heroin addiction leading him to con a rich man's daughter, Lucy. Finding himself genuinely liking her, he tries to hold down a stable job working for her father selling copiers. This is his attempt to leave his former life behind and become a potential provider for someone. His withdrawal symptoms interfere with his success, and he gets caught stealing a valuable antique from her. He tries to make amends, but she tells him he will never be able to take care of anyone. On the island, he is out to prove Lucy wrong.

With Ethan in pursuit of Claire, the others corner and subdue him. No one notices that Charlie is there. He picks up a gun that got kicked away in the scuffle and repeatedly shoots Ethan in the chest. Charlie believes the only real way of protecting Claire is to kill Ethan. Everyone is distressed that the chance to get information from Ethan is not possible anymore, but Charlie has no interest in anything but the absolute safety of Claire. Back at the caves, Claire approaches Charlie and lets him know her memory is coming back. She remembers peanut butter. AWWW.
In other Island developments:
- Steve needs a nametag because even Scott's death is not settling the confusion on who is who!
- Okay it didn't happen on the Island, but how awesome is it that Lucy's dad was going to buy a paper company in Slough! The Office fans getting some love.
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